Happy Holidays!
Reports are hitting the net that some theaters have cardboard displays up in the lobby's for The Happening. If you see any of these please try to get a photo and e-mail it to us. Also it looks like the report we brought you a few weeks ago is true that The Happening trailer is placed right before Alien Vs. Predator 2.
A few months ago these are some reported images we got a from a source who says these will be in the trailer and movie:

Reports are hitting the net that some theaters have cardboard displays up in the lobby's for The Happening. If you see any of these please try to get a photo and e-mail it to us. Also it looks like the report we brought you a few weeks ago is true that The Happening trailer is placed right before Alien Vs. Predator 2.
A few months ago these are some reported images we got a from a source who says these will be in the trailer and movie:

From my review at www.movieguide.org:
Content:(B, C, Pa, FR, AP, LL, VVV, S, N, A, D, M) Light, slightly mixed moral, allegorical worldview about a man battling the monster within, with love seen as redemptive and a moment of sacrifice where hero risks his life for others, but some pagan, false Eastern religion elements where hero uses martial arts training plus Eastern meditation in one scene, and a rogue American general and a rogue soldier from England are the bad guys; about 12 obscenities, one strong profanity and six light profanities, plus bad guy taunts the Hulk with phrases like “Is that all you’ve got?” and sounds of man getting sick in bathroom; massive amounts of video-game style violence, especially in climactic fight scenes, with troops trying to kill the Hulk and the “good” Hulk fighting the bad Hulk, soldiers die in assorted crashes, “bad” Hulk is very destructive in a city, tosses cars and other items, bad soldier thrown against tree, intense punching between enlarged men monsters; sex between unmarried adults stopped only because of danger that blood pressure is rising to “make-a-Hulk” levels; male nudity in shower, plus muscular animated figures lose some clothing and they expand and shot of woman in bra; brief drinking in a bar; cigar smoking; and, deceit, dishonesty, anger, genetic tampering in quest for super-soldiers.
Summary:THE INCREDIBLE HULK is another effort by Marvel Comics and Hollywood to cash in on Marvel’s comic book characters. The story is incredibly predictable, and the movie seems to switch back and forth between live action and ultra-violent video game action.
Review:THE INCREDIBLE HULK is another effort by the people at Marvel Comics to profit from their classic comic book characters. The story is incredibly predictable, and the movie seems to switch back and forth between live action and ultra-violent video game action.The storyline, familiar to fans of the old television show and the original comic books, opens with scientist Bruce Banner (Edward Norton) turning into a huge green monster when an experiment goes horribly wrong. The mild-mannered scientist turns into the Hulk when he is angered or threatened and his blood pressure rises, then he changes back as he calms down.Unknown to Banner, the experiment was part of an effort by the military to create a super-soldier. The military considers Banner to be government property, so Banner travels the world running and hiding from them. While trying to find an antidote, Banner works as an ordinary laborer in a Brazilian soda bottling plant. His location is discovered when a drop of his blood gets into a soft-drink bottle and the beverage buyer gets ill. The cause is traced to the soft drink and the bottling plant.As troops close in on Banner, some local thugs activate the Hulk. The moviemakers succeed in getting the audience to cheer as the thugs “get what’s coming to them.” Banner does a number on the troops when he finishes with the thugs. One zealous soldier (played by Tim Roth) is so taken by the strength he sees the Hulk demonstrate that he seeks this power for himself. So, like SPIDER-MAN and IRON MAN, you wind up with a battle between the “good” superhero and his “evil” counterpart. In this case, the “bad” Hulk looks like a cross between a human and a dinosaur. Both Hulk characters look so obviously computer generated that they lack the sense of humanity of the television Hulk (Lou Ferrigno). Ferrigno has a cameo appearance as a security guard (which drew a cheer from the audience at the screening).Sadly, the filmmakers attempt a shot at humor when a steamy sex scene between Banner and his fellow scientist and love interest, Betty Ross (Liv Tyler), is halted, not by their sense of morality, but by Banner’s rising blood pressure (the fear being that the sexual activity could turn Banner into The Hulk).Some of the biggest hit movies of recent years have featured superheroes. Granted, the formula for such movies is to create some horrible bad guys for the heroes to defeat, but in real life, there seem to be more and more bad guys. The typical local news program often includes a murder report. What the world needs is not a superhero who turns green, makes webs or flies around looking for people to rescue. What the world needs is the Savior Jesus Christ. The world needs more people who live lead by the Holy Spirit. Then, we would have less hatred, greed, violence, poverty and all the misery our true arch-enemy tries to dish out.Parents will want to exercise caution in allowing their children to see THE INCREDIBLE HULK. The violence is intense, there is attempted extra-marital sex, and the military is once again shown to have evil leaders out to make men into zombie, indestructible killing machines.
In Brief:THE INCREDIBLE HULK is another effort by Marvel Comics and Hollywood to profit from Marvel’s comic book characters. Scientist Bruce Banner turns into a huge green monster when an experiment goes horribly wrong. The mild-mannered scientist turns into the Hulk when he is angered or threatened and his blood pressure rises. He changes back as he calms down. The military brass behind the experiment consider Banner to be government property, so Banner travels the world hiding from them. One zealous soldier is so taken by the strength that he sees the Hulk demonstrate that he seeks this power for himself. So, like SPIDER-MAN and IRON MAN, you wind up with a battle between the “good” superhero and his “evil” counterpart.The story in THE INCREDIBLE HULK is incredibly predictable. The movie switches back and forth between live action and ultra-violent video game action. Sadly, the filmmakers attempt a shot at humor during an interrupted sex scene. Parents will want to exercise caution in allowing their children to see THE INCREDIBLE HULK. The violence is intense, there is attempted extra-marital sex, and the military is once again portrayed as the bad guys.
It's interesting to see just how pervasive digital memory has become in our everyday lives. It's like everytime I turn my head, I see something with a card slot or USB port, lol. I guess it makes sense though, considering how inexpensive memory has become as of late...
Ahhh... I shouldn't be moaning and groaning. I can't make it through a single day without using my R4 / R4i!
(Submitted on KwZa for R4i Nintendo DS.)
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