Actress Victoria Clark has joined the cast of The Happening. Our source is unsure of her role but says she has not filmed yet.

On someone posted this set report:
Was there all day today - they shot a traffic scene with a cop and a taxi driver (who actually looked a bit like a young Christopher Lloyd) at 18th and Rittenhouse Ave, a small backstreet behind the Square. I hung around and ended up as a background extra before being tossed because I had a crummy Phillies T-Shirt on. The people were cool, they figured I just got caught up in the mass of people - no security until M. Night showed up - set locked down then. They had a big crane shot and several POV shots on the Southeast corner of Rittenhouse Square. Very cool.
alright, i went down to smedley alley, a side street between 16th and 17th
on pine. saw shyamalan! no actors, although i probably couldve stuck around to
see them. i went around 9:30am. dont know how long filming will be going on
I went down to the set today to the Kaiserman JCC.
They're not actually filming at the JCC, I guess it's just where the extras meet. But -
there were trailers, and food tents, and signs saying "TH," "Crew Parking,"
and stuff like that at the JCC. Where they were filming was in a neighborhood,
near 69th and City Line. There were a lot of roadblocks, and a lot of police cars.
There wasn't really much to see, except for the trailers that were there, and a bunch
of people walking around. You had to stay and watch behind the roadblock. The scene
they were doing was a Jeep, I think, that crashes into a tree. We waited quite a while,
and talked to various people. There were a bunch of different sets in that neighborhood.
Before we left, my mom talked to a guy that said that they were having camera problems,
and that they would be there, but he couldn't give her a definite time. They were
filming elsewhere, at 69th and City Line, where there were also roadblocks and police cars.
I highly doubt you'd see the actors, though.