My new friend ilikemix just sent me a update on a filming location for Aug 22nd -24th:
Hey, buzzrock, I'm afraid I don't know of any other shooting locations, other than The G-Lodge in Valley Forge/Phoenixville. It is at 1371 Valley Forge Road. I'm going down there next Wednesday, the 22nd. They are filming there from Aug. 22-24.
Also from ilikemix:
My mom and I walked in around 10:40 AM, and there was a little, mini-food court to the right-hand side with tables and chairs that was roped off with "caution" tape. About a minute later, I saw Zooey Deschanel, going into the main hall. When I went in there, I immediately noticed all the extras, a guy with a clipboard, M. Night Shyamalan with a guy at the camera, and they called "action," I think, but I don't remember - I was too excited!! lol Zooey was standing there, talking to someone. There was a white floor sign that said something in the words of, "There is a movie being filmed here, and your likeness and voice may be used without permission of 20th Century Fox," and so on. We then followed the extras down to that little food court, and then they told us to go to the North Waiting Room. I saw a dummy, a couple orange machine with wheels. My mom and I were invited to go on the set. We sat, and watched Mark Wahlberg act, and M. Night filming him, following him with the camera. There were also chairs that had 'The Happening' movie logo on them. There were a lot of people standing around. A few times, they called "background action!" and "cut!," I think. I also got an autograph from both Mark and Zooey. There were fake deli and bakery sets, with glass cases, so that when you looked in, there were different pastries, such as different kinds of cookies. There was also a big set in the middle of the Waiting Room, with "NEWS" posted all around it. That's all I can think of at the moment.
Also have another on set account from screen name JtotheD:
every morning i use the 30th Street station in Philadelphia to go to & from work. i noticed last week that their were lots of workers moving wood and store signs thru the front enterance and one of the workers said it was for the new thriller movie The Happen. I was walking by this morning and i saw Mark Wahlberg sitting drinking water. there were signs saying if u walked by the sets u could be on film and that u give up ur rights and Fox owns them. Also i think the movie is directed by the man who made Signs M Knight Shamalon. i will e-mail u anythink new if i c it happening hehe
thanks, JtotheD